Providing aerodynamic stability and housing the propulsion system


1. Create a new part studio

  • Click the "+" button
  • Select Create Part Studio

2. Rename your part studio

  • Right-click on the Part Studio 1 tab on the bottom left
  • Select Rename

  • Rename it to "Lower Body"

3. Create a sketch

  • Select the sketch tool
  • Select a sketch plane. Use the Top plane.
  • Align your view to the sketch plane by clicking "Top" on the view cube
  • Make sure you have selected the Top plane. In the upper right, you should see "Top Plane" under sketch plane

4. Draw the outer body circle

  • Select the circle tool
  • Draw a circle. Be sure to snap it to the origin.

5. Dimension the outer body circle

  • Select the dimension tool
  • Click on your circle and set its diameter to 0.781

6. Draw the inner circle

  • Select the circle tool
  • Draw a circle inside your first circle. Be sure to snap it to the origin.
  • Select the dimension tool
  • Click first on the outer circle and then on the inner circle and set the difference between them to 0.025

7. Extrude the body

  • Select the extrude tool
  • Set the Depth to 4.0 in
  • Click the green check

8. Use the camera to look at the body

  • Hold the right mouse button to view your tube from different angles
  • Zoom in and out using the mouse wheel